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cAcB cCcD cEcF cGcH cIcJ cKcL cMcN cOcP cQcR cScT cUcV cWcX cYcZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
KHAN diagnostic centre 42
centre 9, 16, 41
LEDA powered centre 9, 16
LEDA powered centre +ovals 9
LEONIA international centre 16
LIBERTY tea centre 30
LILAVATI medical centre 41
LODHA centre of excellence 44
LOGISTICS centre 37
LOTUS diagnostic centre 42
MANIKANTA diabetic centre 44
MC music centre +triangle 41
MESHA leasing centre +circl 16
MONIX learning centre +hat 16
MUDRA centre of learning 16
NASA brain and spine centre 44
NJ'S fitness centre +oval 41
ONENESS centre 9, 16, 41, 42
ORAL health centre +plant 44
PEDIGREE centre +ribbon 9
PLUS POINT computer centre 16
PRADHAN dental centre 42
PREET training centre 37
PRERAK lab & imaging centre 42
PRISM eye care centre +eye 42
Q centre institute +shield 41
R.C.U.L reiki centre +hands 42
RAPHA speech hearing centre 44
RAVI steel centre 21
RAYMOND tailoring centre 25, 41
RELISH fast food centre 29
RUSA medical centre 44
SAC SATVA ayurveda centre 3, 5, 16
SADGURU'S education centre 16
centre 42
SANGAM saree centre 25
SANTOSH bindi centre 35
SATYA medical centre 42
SHIVRAM kulfi centre +pot 30
SHOBHA saree centre +diamon 24
centre 30
SHRIMATI saree centre 35
SHTALAKSHY fitness centre 35
SIDDIQUE kabab centre 43
SPARKLE beauty centre & spa 44
SSN research centre 16, 41
SUKHAYU health care centre 16
SUSHRUT learning centre 41
centre 25
TCC tyre care centre 12
TENDER information centre 16
THE ISLAND fitness centre 38
THE euro india centre +dots 16
THEISM ultrasound centre 44
THIND LASIK & lesar centre 42
THUPPASSERIL cloth centre 24
TORIS language centre 41
UCD TRUTH centre +sun & ova 41
UKKENS rexine centre 27
USHA RECON centre 37
V RAJAVIR cut piece centre 24
V3S city centre 35
VARIETY book centre +oval 35
VARUM milk centre 29
X'CELIORS' centre 16
cc COMPU-TEC centre 16
derma care centre 16
e-call centre 9
foto centre DIGITAL IMAGING 9
h CPLR centre +circles 9
i'm centre for applied arts 21
im centre for applied arts 21
india HABITAT centre +man 16, 24
india habitat centre +man 20
centre 16
centre 16
m MAHARSHI skin centre 42
mmc centre 41, 42
modern publicity centre 35
national burns centre +men 42
shree GAJANAN saree centre 24
singapore study centre 16
smile care centre +tooth 42
study centre BASEDONEX 16
PARRY'S soft centres 30
RELIANCE shopping centres 42
men's skin centres +star 5
KARAM centri fugal pump 7
SONY centri cast 12
G GERA child centric homes 41, 43
RAJ LAXMI centrifugal pump 7
SEP TECHNIK centrifuge 7
SHARPLES super-centrifuge 7
STANDOUT centto 25
J.B. +centur 25
centurion +soldier & ovals 9
MAHINDRA centuro 12, 16
century 6
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